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One of my favorite pieces for flute solo is

the Partita in La menor BVW 1013 de Bach,

specially the first part, the "Allemande". 

Until very recently I exclusively played the flute in improvisation mode, thinking that interpreting the work of others was not a creative activity or let's say not creative enough.  My reluctance to discipline and method was very strong and still is because of the danger that one may fall into the "Master trap", which is to express what someone else has felt or perceived instead of finding oneself a way to do it  through direct contact with those perceptions and feelings.

However, getting to slip into the skin and skull of exceptional artists is a great way to avoid the other trap, the "Self trap", where one gets more caught and entangled by silly habits and limitations which may have become rooted in our neuronal circuits as we get older. That is why it is said it's a good practice to learn a new language from time to time, in order to maintain a reasonble degree of mental freshnees and elasticity.

The language that I decided to learn is music, putting aside my preventions towards Masters, disciplines and methods for the occasion. I must say it's a real delight, I even enjoy repeating hundreds of times the same phrase, the same few notes until they flow as they should.  Even then, in that marvelously constructed edifice of Bach composition, there are spaces where one's inspiration must  come in, vertical spaces which become inmenses in the upper spheres where the atmosphere is so subtle. That's probably what geniuses do, the perfection of the forms they create leaves no room at the concrete level of reality where they overwhelm us, in doing so they thraw us into the higher spheres or deeper depths of our sensibility, the only environment left  where we can breathe deeply and is still our own. 

​Here it is... this simple piece of music which seems relatively easy and is so difficult... Bach himself did not play the flute and might not have heard it even except in his mind.


​The score: you can fit to your preference​ or open full screen in a new window​

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